About us

Remote Fixer is part of the Repairhelper and SMG Development groups.
The RemoteFixer system was launched online back in 2002 as part of a network of repair sites aimed at offering repair advice and services to the public. This came about through the closure of the local repair depot that was the main employment for over 10 years prior. This closure was due to the ever increasing price of repairs whilst the price of replacement equipment was lowering making repairs to most household electronic devices impracticle (such as TV's, DVD players etc)
Since our online we have serviced many many remotes and have built quite a decent reputation online for our great quality of service but one thing that was lacking over the last few years was a more modern web structure that appealed to a wider audience. The site you see before you is the latest incarnation of the RemoteFixer system, you could say Remote Fixer V4 and was relaunched in July 2014 (with constant updates happening all the time)
Our mission
Maintain a high level of service our customers expect
We aim to continue our high standard of repair work that has preceeded this sites relaunch as we expand to servicing a wider range of remote equipment as well as offering services no longer limited to just within the U.K.
Over the years we have accumulated many spares (both common and rare) for many different makes and types of remotes. This allows us to carry out repair work swiftly and efficiently for the majority of Remotes. We also have ammased a number of quality component suplliers worldwide for when we come across a job that requires parts that we dont have to hand.
The average turnaround for repairs is 1 to 10 days (excluding postal times), this timescale can change during busy times i.e. when the cold weather starts we can get inundated with people realising their heater remotes are faulty all at the same time which can add extra time to the average timescale.

Martin Smith is the Owner of Remote Fixer. A time served electronic repair engineer who went straight into the TV repair business after leaving school way back in 1992.
Due to the closure of the local repair workshop in 2000, Martin returned to Education and completed a Degree in Computer Science which gave the skills to start up a business online. Not wanting to totally abandon his repair background he created Repairhelper and RemoteFixer
Repairhelper being a repair Tip website to aid technicians in the field with common repairs.
Job opportunities
As we expand we will occasionally be looking for new members
Currently we have no positions available but we are expanding our services therefore if you wish to send over a link to your online C.V. via our Contact Page we will contact you should a suitable place become available for your skills.
Areas of interest that we may be looking for in the future include the following
- Electronic Engineers both in and outside the U.K.
- Online Correspondance Personel
- Logistics Personel both in and outside the U.K.
- Web Maintenance Engineers
Please note that any information passed onto us will not be forwarded onto any third party except for the relevant courier when an item is returned