Job Timeline (Ref 10578-20)

Item Returned to Customer
A Timeline of this job can be seen below.
Arrived - 25-Sep-2021Fault Diagnosed
Remote Repaired
Payment Received
Returned - 07-Oct-2021
Repair Engineer : Martin Smith
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Please view complete details of this job on the rest of this page (scroll down if on a mobile)
Snap on Remote Repair Details
Manufacturer : Snap on
Customers Fault Description : The full remote is non responsive and not sending signal to the brake tester.
Remote Fixer Repair Response (see below) :
This brake tester remote arrived safely and on inspection was split apart and all the buttons were loose in the package.
One of the Infra red LEDS and also the indicator LED was missing, both were replaced which restored full functionality.
Many of the buttons are missing, these cannot be replaced as they are not available as spares, therefore the customer is to contact us to describe which functions they use on the remote so that we can put the existing buttons in the functional place.
The supplied contact telephone number is incorrect therefore we cannot contact the customer by phone.
Brake Tester - MOT Rig Controller Testing Video
Remote Images