Job Timeline (Ref 12857-20)
Item Returned to Customer
A Timeline of this job can be seen below.
Arrived - 25-Jul-2022Fault Diagnosed
Remote Repaired
Payment Received
Returned - 27-Jul-2022
Repair Engineer : Martin Smith
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Please view complete details of this job on the rest of this page (scroll down if on a mobile)
E-Go Remote Repair Details
Manufacturer : E-Go
Customers Fault Description : The remote appears to be completely dead. I have changed the batteries but it made no difference. Despite apparently only being held together by one screw it was working perfectly in April but wouldn't light up when I went to use it this month. I acquired it when I bought the caravan 4 years ago and it has always worked fine until now.
Remote Fixer Repair Response (see below) :
This remote arrived safely and on testing was confirmed not to respond from its double power button press.
This was due to a micro corrosion spot in the print, the print was reworked which restored full functionality (see testing video)
Caravan Motor Mover Controller Testing Video
Remote Images