Job Timeline (Ref 13304-20)
Item Returned to Customer
A Timeline of this job can be seen below.
Arrived - 26-Sep-2022Fault Diagnosed
Remote Repaired
Payment Received
Returned - 05-Oct-2022
Repair Engineer : Martin Smith
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Please view complete details of this job on the rest of this page (scroll down if on a mobile)
McHale Remote Repair Details
Manufacturer : McHale
Customers Fault Description : Started out as sometimes red light did not illuminate, when this happened unit did not work, but squeezing unit helped. Now not working. I opened it up and found flat strip not attached but this may have been dislodged by me opening it.
Remote Fixer Repair Response (see below) :
This Mchale bale wrapper remote arrived safely from North Ayrshire and on testing was found to be totally dead.
When opened the ribbon cable from the button facia was confirmed to have become attached. The contacts were cleaned up and the cable re-seated properly which restored full functionality (see testing video)
Bale Wrapper Controller Testing Video
Remote Images