Job Timeline (Ref 15438-20)
Item Returned to Customer
A Timeline of this job can be seen below.
Arrived - 20-Mar-2023Fault Diagnosed
Remote Repaired
Payment Received
Returned - 30-Mar-2023
Repair Engineer : Martin Smith
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Meditek Remote Repair Details
Manufacturer : Meditek
Customers Fault Description : Not working
Remote Fixer Repair Response (see below) :
These two stairlift controllers arrived safely from Dorchester and on testing one was found to be functioning as normal and the other was dead.
The one that was functioning did have signs of corrosion on one of its terminals which may have been the issue and may have rectified itself simply due to removing hte batteries which might have cleared the resistant contamaintion. We are not charging for this item as it was foudn to be working.
The other remote was found to have a bad joint on one of the IR LEDs, this was reworked which restored full functionality.
The signals from each remote were tested and all matched.
Remote Images