Job Timeline (Ref 23708-20)
No Fault Found
A Timeline of this job can be seen below.
Arrived - 15-Jan-2025Remote Inspected
No Fault Found
Awaiting Return Postage Payment
Repair Engineer : Martin Smith
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Massage couch Remote Repair Details
Manufacturer : Massage couch
Customers Fault Description : The up and down function on the remote has stopped working, meaning I cannot move my massage couch up or down. The remote is rattling so I'm assuming that there's something broken inside.
Remote Fixer Repair Response (see below) :
This remote arrived safely and on inspection was found to rattle when shook, the remote was opened and it was the button plastic caps that were rattling against the case, this is normal and not an issue.
The remote is an extremely basic item consisting of just 2 buttons and the cable with no other components being present.
The buttons were tested and the cable also tested with no issues being found.
It is suspected that the issue is with the chair itself and not the remote. This item has been classed as no fault found.
As per our sites service details all return postage fees are fixed at £6 - all items are return by Tracked methods to reduce the risk of loss or damage!
Remote Images