Job Timeline (Ref 1732-2040)

All repairs are fixed price at £20 plus postage
Remote Repaired - Awaiting Payment

A Timeline of this job can be seen below.

Arrived - 15-Aug-2016
Fault Diagnosed
Remote Repaired awaiting Payment

VML Remote Repair Details

Manufacturer : VML

Customers Fault Description : it looks like a circut failure


This remote arrived safely and on first inspection it was noticed that there was signs of a battery leakage on the terminals and also signs of previous opening (marks on the sides of the remote)

On adding a power source there was no infra red signal being emitted from the controller.  When opened there were  a couple of problems found, there was a break in the print on the PCB where the previous opening was carried out.  This was bridged but still the problem persisted.  The Infra Red LED was found to have a faulty leg.  This was replaced and full functionality was restored.


  Remote Images

remote repair - front image

inside the controller

side of controller

other side of controller

back of handset