Job Timeline (Ref 3679-4285)
Remote Returned to Customer
A Timeline of this job can be seen below.
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Arrived - 30-Oct-2018
Fault Diagnosed
Remote Repaired
Payment Received
Returned - 03-Nov-2018
Hulsta bed remote Remote Repair Details
Manufacturer : Hulsta bed remote
Customers Fault Description : You recently checked as OK the remote to this bed and it was in good working order. However it may be that the unit the remote connects with is not working. Could you please check this out. I will be sending both the remote and control unit. This bed is important and it is used by my disabled daughter and it helps her a lot. |Thank you
This adjustable bed control and receiver arrived safely, the remote was tested as working and therefore the receiver was inspected.
On opening there were a couple of issues, the first being the IR receiver was coated in dust potentially blocking any IR signal.
On the underside of the PCB there were a couple of bad solder joints, these were resoldered.
Remote Images