Job Timeline (Ref 3680-4286)
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Remote Returned to Customer
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Arrived - 30-Oct-2018
Fault Diagnosed
Remote Beyond Repair
Postage Received
Returned - 31-Dec-2018
mertik maxitrol g30 zrrs Remote Repair Details
Manufacturer : mertik maxitrol
Model : g30 zrrs
Customers Fault Description : Receiver unit hasn't been used for 2 years and the batteries have leaked, appear to have caused the unit to stop responding with new batteries inserted.
This fireplace control and its corresponding receiver arrived safely and on inspection the battery block in the receiver was confirmed to have signs of a battery leakage.
When opened the damage was found to be more severe, the acid had traversed through the PCB causing quite a lot of corrosion around the board.
Due to the amount of damage a repair is not possible.
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