Job Timeline (Ref 3723-4337)

All repairs are fixed price at £20 plus postage
Remote Returned to Customer

A Timeline of this job can be seen below.

Arrived - 17-Nov-2018
Fault Diagnosed
Remote Repaired
Payment Received
Returned - 24-Nov-2018

Mertik Maxitrol G6R - RIAE Remote Repair Details

Manufacturer : Mertik Maxitrol

Model : G6R - RIAE

Customers Fault Description : At the end of last winter I noted that the pilot light on the fire was not switching off as it should do. Not wanting to have the pilot light burning all summer, I switched off the gas supply. I have now switched on the gas supply but the pilot light will not ignite when I operate the controller. I have tried re-setting but to no avail, it makes all the noises but nothing happens.


This fireplace control and receiver arrived safely and on testing, the remote itself was working as normal.

Unfortunately the IR sensor was not included which meant a inspection visibly was needed to be carried out on the receiver.  

On opening there were a few issues noticed.  The first was that the was quite a large amount of contamination on the PCB (See images), the other issue was that the screw connectors were badly rusted.

The board was cleaned up and a voltage regulator resoldered.  The terminal screws were also replaced.

As this item cannot be tested full the customer must test it in situe.

Remote Images

nu flame remote repair

 corroded terminals

contaminated print


 contaminated pcb