Job Timeline (Ref 3753-4369)
Remote Returned to Customer
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Arrived - 24-Nov-2018
Fault Diagnosed
Remote Beyond Repair
Postage Received
Returned - 14-Dec-2018
Gohe 45441 remote Remote Repair Details
Manufacturer : Gohe
Model : 45441 remote
Customers Fault Description : Remote works on off will turn Temperature And gown also turn power flow up and down LED screen is very faint dismantled remote to see that it looks like small battery leakage onto circuit board.
This shower controller arrived safely and on inspection was missing its battery cover. On adding a power source the control did power up but the display had no characters.
On opening there was a large amount of corrosion on both sides of the PCB caused by water contamination. Due to the amount of corrosion a repair is not possible.
Remote Images