Job Timeline (Ref 3767-4387)
Remote Returned to Customer
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Arrived - 29-Nov-2018
Fault Diagnosed
Remote Beyond Repair
Postage Received
Returned - 10-Dec-2018
Merton Maxitrol Remote Repair Details
Manufacturer : Merton Maxitrol
Customers Fault Description : Fire up button was not working, after a replacement button it worked.. the button was too high so on second replacement I think the circuit board blew??? Now nothing working:(
This fireplace control arrived safely and on inspection the button had been replaced but no functionality could be found.
The IN4001 Diode was loose inside the case, this was refitted and a component test was carried out but again no issue could be found.
When inspecting closer it was found that there was contamination over the top IC (See image), it is thought that this is the reason for its dead state as it looks to have shorted out various pins.
Due to this damage a repair is not possible.
We do have a refurbished replacement available priced at £40 plus £6 postage, if this is an option then please let us know.
Remote Images