Job Timeline (Ref 3792-4417)
Remote Returned to Customer
A Timeline of this job can be seen below.
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Arrived - 08-Dec-2018
Fault Diagnosed
Remote Repaired
Payment Received
Returned - 13-Dec-2018
DUNGS MO - IRT - 1 - 1 Remote Repair Details
Manufacturer : DUNGS
Model : MO - IRT - 1 - 1
Customers Fault Description : Power/standby buttons aren't working.
This Fireplace control arrived safely and on testing was confirmed toi have sluggish / faulty button response.
On opening there was signs of a battery leakage. This was found on one of the terminals and also on the effected buttons.
The leakage was cleared up by giving it an alcohol bath, this restored full functionality.
Remote Images