Job Timeline (Ref 3831-4462)
Remote Beyond Repair
A Timeline of this job can be seen below.
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Arrived - 27-Dec-2018
Fault Diagnosed
Remote Beyond Repair
Awaiting Return Postage Payment
If you wish us to dispose of this remote then please contact us via our Contact Page to inform us (Please remember to Quote Your Name, Address and Reference Number - 3831-4462)
If no payment is received within 3 months of 27-Dec-2018 then this remote will be disposed of as per our terms and conditions.
Jacuzzi Remote Repair Details
Manufacturer : Jacuzzi
Customers Fault Description : Not working at all with the bath, although there is some 'life' in the screen when you press the On/Off button.
This Jacuzzi controller arrived safely and on inspection the facia was damaged around the button array and also the case was cracked in various parts.
On adding a power source there was no life (except for a brief dim flicker on the display).
On opening the issue was found to be due to water contamination over much of the PCB. Due to the amount of contamination on the board a repair is not possible.
This item was disposed of on the 10th April 2019 as per our terms and Conditions
Remote Images