Job Timeline (Ref 3843-4475)

All repairs are fixed price at £20 plus postage
Remote Returned to Customer

A Timeline of this job can be seen below.

Arrived - 28-Dec-2018
Fault Diagnosed
Remote Repaired
Payment Received
Returned - 31-Dec-2018

Naim Audio NAC52 hifi preamp Remote Repair Details

Manufacturer : Naim Audio

Model : NAC52 hifi preamp

Customers Fault Description : Weak output (using the mobile phone trick) causing problems in use.


This preamp controller arrived safely and on testing was confirmed to be poor response from all button presses and the bottom lower button was also non functioning at all.

On opening the issue was found to be that there were signs of a battery leakage (see image) this had contaminated the battery cable and also parts of the PCB.

the battery lead was replaced and the parts of the board that were contaminated cleaned up, this was around the dead button at the bottom left of the control, this restored the buttons functionality.

All 3 IR LEDS were also replaced which then gave a stronger signal on the output.


Remote Images

naim remote repair

 bad battery cable

 remote inners

 back of controller