Job Timeline (Ref 3953-4599)
Remote Returned to Customer
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Arrived - 06-Feb-2019
Fault Diagnosed
Remote Repaired
Payment Received
Returned - 08-Feb-2019
Yamaha Wj55360 Remote Repair Details
Manufacturer : Yamaha
Model : Wj55360
Customers Fault Description : Seems dead - all buttons I sent it to you two years ago and you repaired it for the same reason, but the fault has recurred.
This Yamaha YSP40D Soundbar controller arrived safely and on testing was confirmed to be dead.
On opening there was a large amount of corrosion on the PCB, similar to the previous fault from 2016 which was caused by a battery leakage.
The corrosion this time was a bit more extensive and covered other parts of the print. The print was reworked which restored full functionality. Once completed PVC tape was fitted in various parts of the PCB to try to prevent future corrosion caused by further leaking batteries.
We advise that only quality batteries be used in remote controls such as Duracell or EverReady as there is less chance of leakage.
Remote Images