Job Timeline (Ref 4007-4658)

All repairs are fixed price at £20 plus postage
Remote Returned to Customer

A Timeline of this job can be seen below.

Arrived - 09-Feb-2019
Repair Engineer : Martin Smith
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Faber - Mertik Maxitrol G30 ZRHS remote, G30 ZRRS receiver Remote Repair Details

Manufacturer : Faber - Mertik Maxitrol

Model : G30 ZRHS remote, G30 ZRRS receiver

Customers Fault Description : Remote control lights up but not increasing or decreasing flame, batteries leaked in receiver causing rust and perish of spring.


This remote and receiver arrived safely and on inspectionj the receiver did indeed have sings of a battery leakage.  The battery block was temporarily replaced for testing purposes and the receiver did power up but after a few minutes then dies again, a component test was carried out and sadly the fault was found to be due to one or more faulty IC's which are unavailable as spares.  Due to this a repair is not possible.

Replacement kits can be found by clicking here 
(please note that we are not the sellers we simply point you in the correct direction for replacements if a repair cannot be carried out by us)

This item was disposed of as per the customers request 23-2-19  

Remote Images

 fire remote and receiver repair

 bad battery block

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