Job Timeline (Ref 4086-4749)

All repairs are fixed price at £20 plus postage
Remote Returned to Customer

A Timeline of this job can be seen below.

Arrived - 22-Mar-2019
Fault Diagnosed
Remote Beyond Repair
Postage Received
Returned - 26-Mar-2019
Repair Engineer : Martin Smith
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Pioneer cu-VSA032 Remote Repair Details

Manufacturer : Pioneer

Model : cu-VSA032

Customers Fault Description : The remote is entirely unresponsive. It has a touch screen that doesn't light up & none of the buttons work. It is quite old but it was working until recently.


This Pioneer learning control arrived safely and on adding a power source was confirmed to be dead.

On opening, there were a few tiny spots of print corrosion on both sides of the print, these points were reworked which restored partial functionality. The item now powers on but the display "blacks" out after a second.

Sadly this is most likely due to a faulty processor (possibly made faulty by the corrosion points), due to the lack of parts for the issue a repair is not possible.

Remote Images

 pioneer remote repair


 back of controller