Job Timeline (Ref 4176-4859)
Remote Returned to Customer
A Timeline of this job can be seen below.
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Arrived - 14-Apr-2019
Fault Diagnosed
Remote Repaired
Payment Received
Returned - 18-Apr-2019
Repair Engineer : Martin Smith
PDT Remote Repair Details
Manufacturer : PDT
Customers Fault Description : Little metal piece which holds batteries has broken off. Remote wasn’t working tried to change batteries
This garage door control arrived safely and on inspection the battery terminal had become detached, this was replaced and when tested the remote was found to have a very weak signal. This was found to be due to 2 missing capacitors in the aerial circuit.
These capacitors were replaced which restored normal functionality.
Please note that when adding batteries the PCB must be in position in its back cover to prevent the terminals from breaking off again (support pins are situated in the back to prevent damage)
Remote Images