Job Timeline (Ref 4262-4959)
Remote Returned to Customer
A Timeline of this job can be seen below.
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Arrived - 14-May-2019
Remote Inspected
No Fault Found
Postage Payment Received
Returned - 17-May-2019
Repair Engineer : Martin Smith
Reich 527-0521 Remote Repair Details
Manufacturer : Reich
Model : 527-0521
Customers Fault Description : It was not working at all but found something on youtube showing how to fix by removing the electrical ribbon and replacing it. This worked but now it is only operating one right side. When you press the left side buttons the relay just clicks.
This caravan mover controller arrived safely and was tested, no issue could be found with the handset itself.
It is important to note that if the relay on the receiver clicks when using the controller then the remote itself is working as normal and the fault is with the receiver. The relay click is the acknowledgement that the remote has been received correctly.
Remote Images