Job Timeline (Ref 4290-4996)

All repairs are fixed price at £20 plus postage
Remote Returned to Customer

A Timeline of this job can be seen below.

Arrived - 23-May-2019
Fault Diagnosed
Remote Repaired
Payment Received
Returned - 28-May-2019
Repair Engineer : Martin Smith
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Powrtouch Remote Repair Details

Manufacturer : Powrtouch

Customers Fault Description : The remote works fine and moves the caravan using all buttons, but it will not switch off. As soon as the battery is connected, it powers up, instead of responding when the 2 red buttons are pressed simultaneously.


This caravan mover remote arrived safely and when the battery was added it was confirmed to be powered on without any button press.

This was due to a contamination short across the facias ribbon cable (see image), this was cleaned up and normal functionality was restored.

Remote Images

 caravan mover remote repair

contaminated ribbon cable

back of controller