Job Timeline (Ref 4326-5043)
Remote Returned to Customer
A Timeline of this job can be seen below.
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Arrived - 05-Jun-2019
Fault Diagnosed
Remote Repaired
Payment Received
Returned - 07-Jun-2019
Repair Engineer : Martin Smith
Cordula PDT KF04-433RC Remote Repair Details
Manufacturer : Cordula
Model : PDT KF04-433RC
Customers Fault Description : Accidently went in washing machine. Open and stop buttons working but after a short time they lock in on position.
This garage door controller arrived safely and on testing was confirmed to have faulty / sluggish button responsiveness.
There was a large amount of corrosion / contamination overt the button array, this was cleaned up and the pads etched clean which restored full functionality.
Remote Images