Job Timeline (Ref 4355-5078)

All repairs are fixed price at £20 plus postage
Remote Returned to Customer

A Timeline of this job can be seen below.

Arrived - 18-Jun-2019
Fault Diagnosed
Remote Repaired
Payment Received
Returned - 20-Jun-2019
Repair Engineer : Martin Smith
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Mertik Maxitrol G6R-R4A Remote Repair Details

Manufacturer : Mertik Maxitrol

Model : G6R-R4A

Customers Fault Description : Recently moved into a house, existing gas fire insitu, receiver had batteries leaked and some contacts are corroded. The remote control appears to be working fine but the receiver is not working. I did plug it in using a dc adaptor and it does seem to be powering up and makes noise.


This fireplace control and receiver arrived safely from Ireland and on inspection the battery block was confirmed to have bad corrosion from a battery leakage.

On opening the leakage was found to have traversed onto the main board and was causing a bridge between the power inputs.

The battery block was replaced and the print cleaned up which restored full functionality.

Remote Images

 fire remote repair

 bad print

bad battery block

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