Job Timeline (Ref 4430-5170)

All repairs are fixed price at £20 plus postage
Remote Returned to Customer

A Timeline of this job can be seen below.

Arrived - 15-Jul-2019
Fault Diagnosed
Remote Repaired
Payment Received
Returned - 18-Jul-2019
Repair Engineer : Martin Smith
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Powrtouch Remote Repair Details

Manufacturer : Powrtouch

Customers Fault Description : The remote works well except when the battery is in the green light and hence the power stays on all the time which means I have to remove the battery every time I stop using it. I think the terminals will break if I keep doing this. The remote should only switch on when the 2 start buttons are pressed simultaneously.


This Powrwheel motor mover handset was confirmed to be auto turning on when a power source is added. 

This was due to a faulty facia / button array.  A replacement facia was fitted which restored full functionality.

Remote Images

 powrwheel remote repair

back of controller