Job Timeline (Ref 4442-5183)
Remote Repaired - Payment Accepted
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Arrived - 15-Jul-2019
Fault Diagnosed
Remote Repaired Payment Received
Repair Engineer : Martin Smith
Carver Remote Repair Details
Manufacturer : Carver
Customers Fault Description : Unaware if remote even works turns on but all buttons loose don’t know if mover is receiving a signal from remote
This twin axle motor mover control arrived safely and on inspection the PCB was not set properly in its housing.
When testing no power was found and also the RF board was cracked.
The LED was replaced which restored power as well as the power button and then the RF board was replaced. This restored full functionality.
The reason the RF board was broken is because the battery was left flying around inside, because of this hot melt glue was used to give some protection against this happening again.
Remote Images