Job Timeline (Ref 4541-5299)
Remote Returned to Customer
A Timeline of this job can be seen below.
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Arrived - 03-Feb-2020
Fault Diagnosed
Remote Repaired
Payment Received
Returned - 10-Feb-2020
Repair Engineer : Martin Smith
Hulsta Remote Repair Details
Manufacturer : Hulsta
Customers Fault Description : The sender has several buttons to lift the head and/or foot of the bed. Only 3 of the 5 buttons work, and then with difficulty; requiring several presses.
This adjustable bed controller arrived safely and on testing was con firmed to have non responsive / sluggish buttons.
On opening there was a mass of contamination over the button array, this was cleaned up but the issue remained.
The conductive contacts were deteriorated so much that it was high in resistance on each button pad. Replacement button pads were fitted and full functionality was restored.
Remote Images