Job Timeline (Ref 4594-5363)

All repairs are fixed price at £20 plus postage
Remote Returned to Customer

A Timeline of this job can be seen below.

Arrived - 24-Aug-2019
Fault Diagnosed
Remote Repaired
Payment Received
Returned - 29-Aug-2019
Repair Engineer : Martin Smith
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Redring Xpelair Group Digitemp 41864SK Remote Repair Details

Manufacturer : Redring Xpelair Group Digitemp

Model : 41864SK

Customers Fault Description : Sometimes all the icons on the remote control would be lit up and pressing any button on the remote wouldn't allow you to choose the sun icon for heat for example. Seems to freeze in this state. Taking the batteries out and putting them back in seemed to help sometimes or turning the unit on and off in the wall. Fault is intermittent and even still carries on if you replace batteries. The beep noise which happens when the remote talks to the main unit is also intermittent.


This air con controller arrived safely and on adding batteries was found to be erratic in functionality.  When the control was pressed in certain areas the screen would disappear.

When opened the issue was found to be due to the PCB "warping", the bend in the PCB was causing intermittent connections on the LCD connector strips.

The board was reseated and then padding was used to warp the board back in to shape.  Full functionality was restored.

 Remote Images

air con remote repair

back of controller