Job Timeline (Ref 4684-5485)

All repairs are fixed price at £20 plus postage
Remote Returned to Customer

A Timeline of this job can be seen below.

Arrived - 28-Sep-2019
Remote Inspected
No Fault Found
Postage Payment Received
Returned - 07-Oct-2019
Repair Engineer : Martin Smith
LinkedIn Facebook

Bose rcv1t-40 Remote Repair Details

Manufacturer : Bose

Model : rcv1t-40

Customers Fault Description : The remote is not responding at all now. We have changed the battery twice so doesn’t seem to be that as an issue. There was some battery leakage a while ago with white residue inside the remote but even after cleaning it, the remote does not work.


This Bose control arrived safely and on testing was found to be transmitting on each button except the yellow and blue at the bottom of the control (this was due to a battery leakage causing corrosion)

As these buttons are not vital in functionality and the rest being functional a main issue could not be found / replicated.

This has deemed this item as no fault found.  If the customer requires the 2 problematic buttons repaired this can be done but the issue mentioned in the fault description has not been seen which may still be present and could be an issue with the receiver itself.


Remote Images

bose remote repair

corroded print

back of controller