Job Timeline (Ref 4760-5580)
Remote Returned to Customer
A Timeline of this job can be seen below.
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Arrived - 10-Oct-2019
Fault Diagnosed
Remote Repaired
Payment Received
Returned - 25-Oct-2019
Repair Engineer : Martin Smith
SONY MXD-D40 - RM-D43M Remote Repair Details
Manufacturer : SONY
Model : MXD-D40 - RM-D43M
Customers Fault Description : 2 remotes.0ne doesnt function at all.the other only operates MDside of machine.if one can be made operative would be grateful.
These two CD/MD remote controls arrived safely, on remote was held together using tape and the other had a large chunk missing from its top.
One was confirmed to be only working on the MD side and the other was dead.
The dead one was found to have a large amount of print corrosion, probably due to a battery leakage. Due to the amount of damage a repair was not possible on this control.
The second controller was found to have a faulty slide actuator for the function switch. The one from the faulty control was used but had to be modified to make it fit. The button contacts were also cleaned up and the case glued back together. Full functionality was restored.
Remote Images