Job Timeline (Ref 6056-7097)

All repairs are fixed price at £20 plus postage
Remote Returned to Customer

A Timeline of this job can be seen below.

Arrived - 12-Jul-2020
Remote Inspected
No Fault Found
Postage Payment Received
Returned - 17-Jul-2020
Repair Engineer : Martin Smith
LinkedIn Facebook

Vent Remote Repair Details

Manufacturer : Vent

Customers Fault Description : We only use the remote for lights and window vent control (not fan)remote is not operating either modes

Remote Fixer Repair Response (see below) :

This remote arrived safely and on inspection the button caps on the vent controls were missing ( this has not effected functionality )

On testing the control was found to be transmitting an RF signal on every button as per normal operation.

The control was opened to check for any defects but no fault could be replicated.  This has classed this item as no fault found.

Remote Images

 remote control repair

back of controller