Repair Work Carried Out At Remote Fixer
HORMANN HS (M) 2/4 Repair
As far as I can remember, originally either button would raise or lower the garage door top button failed but bottom button still worked. Now neither button works.
Keyton sensor FT2 Repair
The remote has stopped working , the screen works and buttons change the settings on the remote screen but the remote is not connecting to the chair so unable to change the settings .
Altus Roller Brake Tester Repair
Top three buttons (Start/Stop, Left, Right, Both) do not work.
Velux Repair
none of the buttons work. The display shows no movements when trying to press various buttons
Garage Door F04-433rc Repair
Accidentally put fob through the washing machine, dried the unit & used different batteries. Lights come on but no signal as the door won’t open
Silent Gliss SG 11092 Repair
Battery almost flat but cannot physically open the timer
Humax Ex650swf021 Repair
I thought the battery had died but I have replaced it and still nothing. It’s out of garentee so the company wnt do anything
SONY MXD-D40 - RM-D43M Repair
2 remotes.0ne doesnt function at all.the other only operates MDside of machine.if one can be made operative would be grateful.
Glowworm Climapro2 Repair
Remote thermostat is not working. No display despite changing batteries.
Hulsta 1.10-202 300J09R Repair
Although the pair of buttons to lift/lower both headrest and footrest at the same time, all buttons need to be checked as some do not work correctly or not at all possibly due to loose internal wiring
Pioneer Receiver AXD7592 Repair
The volume buttons have stopped working and are sticking . I am enclosing 2 hand-setts and would like both repairing as per my recent email to Martin. Is the hand set stripped down and fully cleaned as part of the repair?
Mertik Maxitrol G30 - ZRRS Repair
Remote control works fine on both directions. Receiver only works in one direction, to reduce the flame not increase it. Batteries have previously leaked in the receiver but terminals are now cleaned.
Kindler, Proclaim HE, log effect fire KPHL**RN Repair
Vibrdorm 05/24-qs10. 00.103.240 Repair
No buttons or light is working ‘ I’ve changed the battery & still won’t work, I took it to my hardware store, who managed to get the red light to work , unfortunately when I got home it would not work for me,