Repair Work Carried Out At Remote Fixer
Carver Repair
Unaware if remote even works turns on but all buttons loose don’t know if mover is receiving a signal from remote
REICH 527-0521 Repair
No power to remote despite reset via main mover unit (12v powered) various new batteries used. no LED light from remote unit.
pdt kf04-433rc Repair
did work ok one day nothing, changed batteries no buttons do anything.had been lost for months and found under the sink unit but worked for about 10 times after finding.
Blyss 34HFU600GRT Repair
No reaction from appliance from any press of buttons. new battery fitted - same result
Powrwheel Repair
Left out in rain. Worked intermittently for a while only when pressing power up buttons for a long time. No will not power up at all
Truma Go2 Repair
After several months of standing, green indicator light was continually flashing and xcaravan did not respond. Changed batteries, indicator light came on OK and caravan moved. Light went out permanently and caravan stopped. Handset now permanently dead.
Merrill Maxitrol Repair
Stopped communicating with gas fire receiver unless very very close I.e almost touching Have tried new batteries but no success
Cardale Force 50 Repair
The remote only works intermittently. I have put a new battery in it.
Bose RC18T1- 40 Repair
Stopped working - nothing works - changed batteries, no change.
Powrtouch Repair
The remote works well except when the battery is in the green light and hence the power stays on all the time which means I have to remove the battery every time I stop using it. I think the terminals will break if I keep doing this. The remote should only switch on when the 2 start buttons are pressed simultaneously.
Mertik Maxitrol G30-ZRRS Repair
No response from receiver although remote seems to be working. The receiver 'eye' looks to be damaged
Gliderol Gtn-m27 Repair
Led flashes but door won’t open via remote. Local button still works on motor.
Firmadoor Repair
Would not open garage black button looks worn away when opened up so pressing with a screw but now black wire snapped
Kenwood RC-97M Repair
Buttons suddenly stopped working. Oddly volume down now seems to perform the rewind function on the CD!
Vibradorm ABS Repair
Fully operational but cord brittle and core exposed. Cord needs replacing as discussed on phone with Martin
Canton Dm55 Repair
on/off button not working. Once on the other buttons work fine. Fault was intermittent but now not working at all.
1 metal tab has been detached from circuit boards so unable to connect to battery