Repair Work Carried Out At Remote Fixer

HSL Recliner

HSL Recliner Repair

Pure Mirror waterproof   TV54K2

Pure Mirror waterproof TV54K2 Repair

Buttons don’t work Batteries don’t last long Screws lost If you can’t mend it please can you recommend a compatible model?


Yamaha Repair

Range decreased until stopped working despite several sets of batteries tried



Celebrity riser recliner

Celebrity riser recliner Repair

Cables have frayed


Teac Repair

Used with 300 series components = tape, 3 cd, tuner and amp. Remote just does not work!


Oppo Repair

Only works intemittently following a change of batteries. Previous batteries leaked out onto springs.


Magiglo Repair

The pilot light on the gas fire is lit but, when the two buttons on the remote (the upper and the left side) are pressed, the red indicator bulb on the remote comes on but the gas does not ignite.

G plan

G plan Repair

Controller light goes on/off when used

High Tech Health Circulation Booster

High Tech Health Circulation Booster Repair

corrosion in the battery compartment

Kenwood  RC-E9

Kenwood RC-E9 Repair

Remote was left with batteries were left in for many years. I have stripped remote down cleaned terminals and replaced with new batteries, I can get continuity over the contacts but the remote will not function 🥴 but unit was working perfectly fine when last used

HomCom  A90-131V70

HomCom A90-131V70 Repair

On button top right and speed increase button

Mertik Maxitrol

Mertik Maxitrol Repair

I was unable to turn the gas fire off and every time I put in a new battery it flashes signifying that it is empty. It sounds like the classic issue with these remotes.


Maha Repair

The remote is not sending a signal to the brake roller tester. LCD is also not working but this is not as important, if it can be repair great but not worried if not.


Sherbourne Repair

Buttons seem to work. No green light and cable needs replacing.


Flamerite Repair

All buttons appear to be working but the remote does not respond to any commands.. Fault with the motherboard?


HBTower Repair

+ button not working


Gliderol Repair

Wasn't working, when tried to change the battery, noticed the 26.995 Mhz crystal thing had broken off so needs a new one of them please.


Sherborne Repair

All working just needs new lead thanks

Truma Mover

Truma Mover Repair

Batteries have leaked and corroded the battery contacts. Note battery cover is missing

Mertik Maxitro  G6R-H4T5

Mertik Maxitro G6R-H4T5 Repair

Same issue as Battery light flashing constantly and doesn't function, battery terminal also needs repairing


Celebrity Repair

Outer cable sheathing broken pealing away looks like a wire is broken

HSL Th27

HSL Th27 Repair

Button on bottom left of handset not working. Although rest button seem OK but would like them checked to make sure we didn't get the same problem as the one not working.

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